Ijo Garut (Green Chacedony) Stone Of Indonesian Country - Since ancient times to the present. stone for good luck myth remains lost. Fans came from all walks of life ranging from officials and the regular giving rise to the impression of a fairly deep mystery where the culture of Indonesia highly condensed mystical shades. Actually what is the mystery behind it all? There is an assumption that if using precious stones and agate will love the opposite sex, the ageless. can cure a disease even reliably made invulnerable weapon (fire / sharp) those who wear it. Apart from all that. beauty and psychological effects emanating from The rock does have its own charm and make fall in love for the demand.
God has given the grace of the bowels of the earth in the form of precious stones, agate. pictorial stones all of which is a treasure to be preserved. Stone Garut (Green Chalcedony) course is no stranger in the eyes stone lovers in the ground water. who had disappeared in the market Stone Agate Indonesia is now back into a worldwide phenomenon in the country masonry with color variants Very beautiful and very fascinating eye for the wearer. Natural Green Chalcedony that can be called with Stone Ijo Garut (Green Chacedony) has been known since the era of the 80s but the prestige of the stones were increasingly degenerate charisma where rock material is very difficult to find a pretty good quality, like Garut Ohen.
Garut Edong Bungbulang and Garut Mount Kencana. Garut Ohen taken based on the name of the inventor of the stone with a characteristic Batu Hijau crystals This is very fascinating was rumored to have disappeared in the market masonry or arguably Indonesia currently has no outstanding again in the market due to the inventor of the late Mang Ohen already died Garut Bungbulang and Garut Mount Kencana is synonymous with dark green color black spots in it. As if in the stone there is a lot of sand black on the surface, but the luster of the stone crystal capable of bewitching eyes of lovers rock. As for the mention of the name rock is named according to the name of the location of excavation in the area of Mount Kencana Bungbulang and adjacent to South China Sea Pameungpeuk South Garut regency.
Garut Edong stone with typical 5 Colours in 1 Stone is called the Stone of Five Colors also very legendary and expensive because of the colorful stone as if a Painting Abstract in stone and there is also a mention of Stone Image Edong as homage to Aki Edong who discovered the rock excavation dilokasl near house.point survey conducted by Team IGS. Stone Ijo Garut (Green Chalcedony) and Panca Color is one of the stone are very hunted the Gemlovers and the collectors in the country. Including one of the rare stone pretty hard to get quality superclass with a very varied, depending on the material of the stone is selling 5 million per kilo even up to tens of millions of dollars for a kilo of the Stone family boulder Chalcedony This is synonymous with colorful wooden fossll. there are green, red. blue. yellow lavender coldat color fiber and the most hunted by Gemlovers is the color green, because according to the excavators stone. Digest of Stone Garut is green, so there are differences in price for stone green with other color stones. So assuming some green color is the color "Mystery".
According to the story circulating in the local community, prior to the excavation Stone Garut, usually the diggers ask the permission of the Lord and to the "gatekeepers" in around the excavation site complete with the offering, so that the excavators are given guidance on the direction and the exact location where the The rock material is Making it easier for the excavator to be able to find a rock The. Indeed, the mystique hunting Stone Garut very thick felt, this is because rock hunting locations are very much in the wilderness, up and down hills very steep and hole digging very deep under the ground. The "Rough Hunter" in the country began to complain luck and came to the location of excavation Stone Garut. With the hope of getting a stone in search. but it is currently very difficult to obtain the desired quality super rock by the "Rough Hunter "There's that gets her, and not a few who go home empty-handed because the stone Garut such as if it has a 5-year cycle, and it is all too Tergan-tung of the excavation The annual seasonal factors that affect the process of finding the Stone According to information obtained Team IGS. Ijo stone Garut Super quality currently available is Tempoe collection Doeloe "the collector, who wanted to sell the stone based on current price hike Here you are. For example, the first year the 80s the stone may be purchased for 10 thousand.
over time, the price of these stones can be sold for 10 million dollars and has experienced a price increase of about 1.000% or even more. Fantastic is not it? It turns out that in addition to property stocks, gold. Agate also can be used as a tool The stone investment .because increasingly difficult to obtain. so with itself increase prices high enough for the future Let lata try to invest in the world masonry. Here are some benefits of Stone Garut that may increase knowledge and reference materials for the Gemlovers:
1. Exuding charm of romance, and love even if the wearer has
"not handsome face."
2. Provide a sense of peace for coworkers, girlfriend, wife or friend we are stone
agate mustika.
3. Bring up the aura of where we are loved by people around us.
4. Provide charismatic and radiate energy. Even Though
looks fun, but also respected in their daily life.
5. Potential confidence in front of audiences, leaders and subordinates at the office.
6. In a communication or negotiation can make the other person really believe, amazed, and stunned by what was said.
Could it just luck or is real? maybe. But according to the supernatural world of the original stone Garut is believed to have the power that comes from supernatural beings. The creature lives within a stone ring and followed where the stone is located. Additional information mentioned secret veil of luck Stone Garut through teaching and science History Lessons Experts who are used to having a stone as a handle. Back again on the strength of human nature and living things, that all sources of strength only from God.
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