Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bio Solar (Agate Gayo Origin Of Indonesian Stone)

Bio Solar (Agate Gayo Origin Of Indonesian Stone) - Agate type of solar super (indocrase) Gayo origin Takengon, Central Aceh district, not only interested in the rock lovers in the country, but also tourists Malaysia.

Rock The current biodiesel to be excellent and much sought after collectors in the country, in the Largest Exhibition Precious Stones, Grand Palladium, Medan Indonesia, Saturday.

The exhibition held Gems Lovers Association of North Sumatra (APBPSU) lasts 22 to January 25, 2015, followed by 73 booths from various provinces and 800 participants of the competition gems.

Gayo Jade and moss Aceh is now known in the Asian market, and even the world, and not inferior to jade from China.

After the discovery of jade and moss Aceh, rock lovers in Indonesia has been a lot of switching to this gem, because it has a green color that is very sharp crystals.

Jade Aceh is very much different quality when compared with jade from China, so no wonder the fans gemstone was looking for him to Takengon.

He explains, Gayo Jade and moss crystals Aceh there are berhargacukup vary from $ 400 to $ 4,000 per piece.

It obviously depends on the type of stone, quality, sharpness of color, and size of the gem. There is also the price is not too expensive and is usually sold in the market.

Gayo Jade and moss Aceh is no less than the already popular rock crystal, ie stone Bacan Doko from Maluku and river stones Dareh of West Sumatra.

So,Gayo Jade and Lumut Aceh, is currently still in demand at home and abroad, and includes one of the most beautiful in the world. This type of gem stone quality must be maintained.

Meanwhile, agate and gem exhibit at the Grand Palladium Medan, among others, featuring jade biodiesel and moss Aceh, stone Bacan doko and palamea of Maluku, Central Java PANCAWARNA stone, stone lavender (Cubung compassion), blue sky spirits, Cubung wulung and Biduri northwest of Balfour, South Sumatra, jewel sankis, chrysolite honey crystals of Bengkulu.
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